THIS PROGRAM MAY BE DISTRIBUTED FREELY PROVIDED THAT NO FILES ARE ADDED, SUBTRACTED OR ALTERED IN ANY WAY. We update the file 'ROADMAP.HLP' MONTHLY. So, if this is a new update for you and you have already installed the ROADMAP on your Desktop, all you need to do now is unzip this file and copy the NEW 'ROADMAP.HLP' file you just downloaded into the same subdirectory where you placed it in the first place and everything will work as before except you'll now see the latest version. INSTALLING FOR THE 1ST TIME: THIS IS A VERY EASY PROGRAM TO INSTALL & USE. THE MAIN FILE IS CALLED 'ROADMAP.HLP' BUT YOU MAY HAVE IT ZIPPED OR COMPRESSED IN 'ROADMAPX.ZIP' (X=VER#) DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU FOUND IT. WHEN UNZIPPED THERE ARE ONLY TWO FILES TO WORRY ABOUT. 1. ROADMAP.HLP (THE MAIN WINDOWS HELP FILE FORMAT USING OUR PROGRAM.) 2. THIS README.TXT FILE TO INSTALL THEN, OR IF YOU RECEIVED IN .HLP FORMAT ... MERELY COPY 'ROADMAP.HLP' TO A PLACE IN A DIRECTORY. (If you have Windows, you have a subdirectory called Windows. You could put it there by typing, 'COPY A:*.* C:\WINDOWS'. Even better, make a directory called 'c:\roadmap' and place our file there. The command FROM A DOS PROMPT IS 'MD\ROADMAP') THEN PULL DOWN 'FILE' MENU IN WINDOWS PROGRAM MANAGER, THEN CHOOSE 'RUN' COMMAND. THEN TYPE IN NAME OF FILE WITH PATH. I.E. '\WINDOWS\ROADMAP.HLP' OR IN EXAMPLE 2. '\ROADMAP\ROADMAP.HLP' THE ROADMAP OF THE INFO SUPERHWY WILL POP ON THE SCREEN. IN THE FUTURE: All you have to do is get the latest file from the same place you found the first file and unzip it and then copy the ROADMAP.HLP file to the same place you installed the first version and the new one will replace it automatically. Only the first needs all this installation. After that all you need is the 'ROADMAP.HLP' File to replace the previous month's version. REMEMBER: We update it every month with new listings, so you'll always want to have the latest one on your desktop with many more NEW LISTINGS. }}} If it will not pop up after doing all of the above ... A NOTE ABOUT WINDOWS 'ASSOCIATE' COMMAND. {If you receive a message that no association exists for this file, or any error message talking about 'ASSOCIATION' ... All you have to do is go to File Manager in Windows, Click on the File Menu, click on ASSOCIATE, on this menu. The ASSOCIATE FILES WINDOW COMES UP and in the upper box THAT SAYS 'FILES WITH EXTENSION:' ... You type in 'HLP' and in the box under it, 'ASSOCIATE WITH' You type in 'WINHELP.EXE'. Then, run the program and go on to next step which puts it into a program group with its own ICON.} >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WE RECOMMEND THAT YOU KEEP THE PROGRAM RUNNING IN A PROGRAM GROUP WITH ITS OWN ICON SO THAT YOU CAN FIND IT OFTEN AND QUICKLY. IN THIS WAY, THE DATABASE OF COMPANIES WILL ALWAYS BE AVAILABLE TO YOU TO DO RESEARCH OR TO PLACE AN ORDER. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< TO HAVE THE ROADMAP OF THE INFO SUPERHWY APPEAR AS AN ICON WHENEVER YOU ENTER WINDOWS: THE FOLLOWING WILL PLACE AN ICON IN THE GROUP THAT YOU CHOOSE SO THAT THE INTER-ACTIVE YELLOW PAGES IS ALWAYS AVAILABLE WITH A MOUSE CLICK. "LET YOUR MOUSE DO THE WALKING." 1. Click on the group you want the icon to appear. THIS WILL SELECT IT. 2. Pull down 'New' AND THEN 'Item' in the PROGRAM Manager Menu. 3. Type in the name of the Program - 'RoadmAp of THe infO superhwy' or just type 'ROADMAP' to take up less space on screen. THIS IS THE DESCRIPTION BOX. IN THE COMMAND LINE BOX... 4. Type in the Path TO THE ROADMAP.HLP FILE. This will vary depending on where you placed the 'Roadmap.hlp' file. If you copied it to a subdirectory called C:\ROADMAP Then you would type the path -> 'C:\ROADMAP\ROADMAP.HLP' 5. OPTIONALLY: Click on Change Icon. Place the path again in the File box. \ROADMAP\LOGO.ICO. Then click OK, our own Mouse doing the walking, ICON should now appear connected to our program. 6. Then click on OK to close the window. 7. If you did everything correctly, the next time, you go into Windows, the ROADMAP OF THE INFO SUPERHWY Icon should appear. (KEEP us in a Window that you use frequently so that you never forget and you will have it available for research at any moment.) 8. Always save your configuration which is usually automatic. ALTERNATIVELY: IF YOU RUN NORTON DESKTOP OR ANOTHER DESKTOP. Follow all the steps above and then you can simply drag the ICON over to any portion of your Desktop and then Choose 'SAVE CONFIGURATION' and the next time you load your Desktop, the ROADMAP OF THE INFO SUPERHWY Icon should appear. That's all there is to it. Enjoy it and use it in good health. Also remember: That you'll always want to make your purchases from our listed Advertisers because you will get Free Merchandise by redeeming your 5% Premium NETWORK AUCTION DOLLARS during our Frequent Auctions. See, the ROADMAP OF THE INFO SUPERHWY FRONT SCREEN FOR MORE Detailed Information. If you're having trouble installing the software: OR: IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO ADVERTISE IN THE ROADMAP OF THE INFO SUPERHWY AND REACH MILLIONS OF POTENTIAL NEW CUSTOMERS ON THE INFORMATION SUPERHIGHWAY, PLEASE CONTACT: LIGHTHOUSE PRODUCTIONS (408) 423-8580 OR SEND A FAX (408) 423-0131 OR WRITE TO: LIGHTHOUSE PRODUCTIONS P.O. BOX 7885 SANTA CRUZ, CA 95061